view The EarthlingZ Habitat

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Nihongo Intro

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GreetingZ, Earthling!

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Most of you know about and many of you have visited The Greenhouse , which is the physical basecamp of EarthlingZ in the mountains of Chichibu. It is a big old farmhouse which we have turned into a place catering to the creative and nature-oriented people we have come to know through our own activities, especially those working in the fields of music, dance, graphics, the healing arts, and the spiritual sciences.


Of course there are countless such people, especially in and around Tokyo, but our location and the values we encourage has meant that only those who have discovered the importance to their creativity of connecting with the infinite energies of organic Nature will make the effort to return again and again.

There is very little in urban life today that brings to our attention our place in the cosmos, or even reminds us that we are on a planet. From the moment we leave our rooms in the morning we are moving through a creation of human engineering, a giant warehouse and database which we navigate in as straight lines as we can towards destinations determined largely by our material agendas.

We rarely look up, knowing that there will be no stars visible, and that what's happening in the sky makes little difference to our work and movements. Even as we sleep we are bathed in the unharmonic electromagnetic and psychic vibrations of the physical and mental activities of millions, but hardly understand the tensions and levels of egotism this creates.

If we step out of this and into the real life of the planet, we find our oppressive sense of separate selfhood dissolve as we walk through the cool cathedrals of the cedars, watch the wind ripple over the ricefields, or hear the voices of birds and animals punctuate the stillness of the glittering night.

pine trees Gogh

In such an atmosphere, we need no guidance, no teachers or gurus, to bring us to considering our condition as humans on the earth.  We move without effort towards wider perspectives, consider our pasts and futures with at least temporary detachment, and recharge our spiritual batteries through grounding to the earth while attending to the heights.

This often leads us to make music, to dance, to centre in the Here and Now, to show each other the wonders we discover in so doing, and to rediscover what marvellous creatures human beings are when they are really Present and open to each other and their environment.

It was once said by Terence McKenna that "Nature is the great teacher of metaphysics". People who like to learn this way we call EarthlingZ, and all the facilities we have developed here are meant to make this easier.


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