The Trilateral Commission
To take more immediate measures to eliminate the growing threat of loan repayment
defaults, and
to reaffirm its leadership of the world's economic elite, the American elite solicited the help of the
most powerful members of Western society to create a new organization that would represent the
economic elite from the three most successful Feudal empires of the modern age, namely
America, Japan and Western Europe. Although Germany dominates within the Western European
group, members were also chosen from the other allied nations.
The result was the Trilateral Commission, the most powerful economically oriented
ever formed to shape the planet's future, and the closest entity possible to a global board of
directors overseeing the feudal based societies.
The Commission's creation was begun in 1973 when its instigator David Rockefeller,
who was
chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, appointed Zbigniew Brzezinski (who had previously been
the director of the Research Institute on Communist Affairs), to select the more than 200 future
The members were chosen from the top executives of the corporate and banking worlds,
included business interests such as Chase Manhattan Bank, Bank of America, Barclays Bank,
Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust Co., Bank of Tokyo, Wachovia Bank & Trust Co., Sony,
Seiko, Bendix Corp., Hitachi, Hewlett-Packard, Texas Instruments, Shell, Exxon, Royal Dutch
Petroleum Co., Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., John Deere & Company, Caterpillar Tractor,
Toyota, Fiat, Datsun, Coca-Cola, Sears, Roebuck & Co., etc.
Don't be surprised if you have never even heard of this organization, its members
have cooperated
to purposely maintain its almost non- existent public profile. After all, the public would have an
impossible task criticizing the actions of a group it didn't even know existed.
To deal properly with the threat of foreign countries defaulting on their loan repayments,
the TC had
to somehow get control not only over the foreign policy but over the nation's purse strings as well
be able to deal directly with the banking problems abroad. They wanted control of the budget and
the interest rates among other things. But seeing as the President appoints these unelected
people, the Trilateral Commission first had to have one of their sympathizers or members elected
President. To do this they took under their wing several good potential Presidential candidates,
including Jimmy Carter.
The reason Carter made such an excellent choice was that as a Southerner, he had no
connections or contacts with the Northern Establishment. Consequently he would predictably and
gladly accept backing and continued support from such an auspicious group of international big
shots as the Trilateral Commission.
As they had successfully planned, after Carter was elected, he appointed the director
of the
Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski, as National Security Adviser. After all who else would
Carter pick as his foreign affairs expert than the man who had purposely helped him write his
foreign policy campaign speeches.
It should also be mentioned that Z. Brzezinski was not the only Trilateral member
that Carter
appointed to his administration, but he was the most important. It is probably also worth
mentioning that the Trilateral Commission membership also cleverly included some red herring
members to give the appearance that the Commission had the interests of the entire nation at
heart. But the policies and legislation that emerged during that administration left no doubt that
some members were only perfunctorily included to avoid bothersome criticism within the ranks.
After the commission's members had taken office in the White house, a stream of special
legislative policies were enacted that greatly benefited the interests of the Trilateral membership.
As David Rockefeller's own special interests lay within the field of banking, and
because foreign
countries, who had taken out massive loans from U.S. and other major banks were now threatening
to default on their loan payments, it is not surprising that a rash of measures that provided what
amounted to free loan insurance for the banking club soon emerged. The following examples will
provide an insight into how the banking interests alone were aided by the commission's presence in
the White House.
The World Bank, which had always been a tool of the elite's interests, was given a
contribution from the American taxpayer. This money could then be doled out "as required"
to the
foreign debtor countries who looked most likely to default. The American taxpayer had effectively
started paying the Third World's interest payments to major US banks! So far the government has
guaranteed, with taxpayer's money, $30 billion of the World Bank's 3rd World Loans. Potential
future debt for America's unborn. {B138}
Because of the elite's close economic connections with the dictators of the world,
legislation was
even voted down that would have prevented loans going to countries with abysmal human rights
records. These countries too had to be kept eligible for ongoing loans to ensure their ability to
maintain interest payments to U.S. banks.
To facilitate the implementation of their economically related foreign policy changes,
a committee
to review national foreign policy was reorganized to include the previously excluded Secretary of the
Treasury. By doing so, the machinery to ensure government of the economic elite, for the
economic elite, and by the economic elite, got a permanent shot of oil.
To achieve all this, the Trilateral commission simply had to extend campaign support
to a small
town peanut farmer, and a Democrat.