Photo Art by Hortobagyi
The Transglobal & Magic Sounds of Lâszlô Hortobâgyi

Cover Art from the Hortobagyi Collection

Chill Out Vol. 2
(Nova Tekk Label)

Album Art  by Hortobagyi
The Arcadian Collection

Alphabet designed by Hortobagyi
Ritual Music of Fomal Hoot Al-Ganoubi

An Interview with Laszlo Hortobagyi:

"When I was a child I dreamt of otherworldly figures whose opal spaceships landed in front of our house. "
"Today technology can be made suitable for everything and it is perfectly suitable for communicating to us this big, ancient misery with unbelievable technology and unimaginable richness."
"When for example the Notre Dame Cathedral was built, the stone-cutters did not talk about the infinity of God and the transcendentalism of Gothic art; they were just cutting the huge cold stones. But Gothic art was born out of this and such is Indian music by which the most abstract and complicated feelings can be expressed."
"The average modern male Western citizen is smiling, agile, a little bristly, slim person having  free time, good digestion and teeth, clean clothes, slightly creamed hair and crispy flesh, but whose brain is covered by his "culture" with slate-green ciliated mould. The smiling "individuum" is very far from the possible colourful personality who can be the creative participant of a real culture."
"...every second of the day hundred millions of people come and go, potter around, think, feel and travel on the river of life towards the future."

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